20 Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree

Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree

Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree: As you build your career without a college degree, you might want to consider well-paying jobs that don’t require a degree but may need certifications, licenses, or on-the-job training. In these jobs, you could earn a base salary along with bonuses, commissions, and other benefits. Knowing about these options and their average pay can help you decide which path to take.

These are The 20 Jobs That Pay $200K a year Without a Degree

Here are some high-paying jobs that don’t require a degree and can earn you up to $200,000 annually:

  1. Stand-up Comedian
  2. Direct Response Copywriter
  3. Micro niche Blogging
  4. Full-Stack Web developer
  5. Social Media Marketer
  6. Software Developer
  7. VMWare Engineer
  8. Sales Executive
  9. Stock Trader
  10. Consulting
  11. Self-employed Contractor
  12. Real Estate Agent
  13. Personal Trainer
  14. Barber
  15. Bus Driver
  16. Oil Rig Worker
  17. Personal chef
  18. Videographer
  19. Voice-over artist
  20. Professional athlete

1. Stand-up Comedian

Stand-up comedy is an art form that requires storytelling, timing, and a profound comprehension of human nature in addition to just making jokes. When creating their material, stand-up comedians take cues from society quirks, observations, and their own experiences. The intention is to establish a personal connection with the audience in addition to evoking laughter.

For many stand-up comedians, the journey to success is marked by open mic nights, late-night gigs in small clubs, and a relentless pursuit of perfecting their craft. The road to stardom can be challenging, requiring resilience, adaptability, and the ability to turn setbacks into punchlines.

Stand-up comedian salaries can vary widely based on factors such as experience, popularity, and the venues they perform in.

2. Direct Response Copywriter

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

Imagine writing a single letter and it turns into $2 billion! Or maybe you write another and hope to win a not-so-small $100 million. If this sounds unbelievable, you might not have heard about the fascinating world of direct response copywriting (DRC).

In simple terms, DRC is a special kind of writing where the writer uses words to convince the reader to do something specific. It could be making a donation, buying something, or clicking a link online. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

You’ve seen these letters before – they pop up in your favorite magazines, emails, and even in your mailbox. They’re the ones that try to get you to take action after reading them.

You’ve come across these letters before. They show up in your favorite magazines, emails, and even in your mailbox.

Think about the letter asking you to donate to injured soldiers who fought for your freedom. Or the one seeking a few cents to sponsor a child in Vietnam. Those letters you get in the mail can make the companies sending them millions of dollars.

Now, here’s the cool part – businesses are ready to pay you a lot of money just for writing these letters. But wait, there’s more! Each time those letters are sent out, you might keep earning money. It’s like getting a share of the sales or royalties from those letters.

And the best part is, some of these letters keep working for years, bringing you a steady income without doing anything extra.

Also read: 33 Jobs That Pay $20 an Hour Without a Degree

3. Micro Niche Blogging

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

You have an amazing opportunity to take control of your time, be your boss, and earn a limitless income through a micro niche blogging.

It’s one of those rare chances where a small investment can turn into a six-figure income, changing your life faster than you might think. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

Many people think micro niche blogging is just a waste of time. That’s because they either haven’t started a blog or have tried and didn’t enjoy it.

The thing is, blogging is popular because it’s easy to use, and it seems like there’s no limit to how much money you can make.

Many bloggers live lives that most people can only dream about, and they make unbelievable amounts of money.

These successful bloggers are their bosses. They work whenever they want and from wherever they like.

Starting a blog is not hard at all. You can get your blog up and running in just seven days. If you’re good with technology, you might even do it on a weekend!

Blogging can bring in a lot of money if you treat it like a business and put in the effort to make it successful.

4. Full-Stack Web developer

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

Do you love computers? Are you into creating cool websites? Well, you’re in luck because this gig can make you some serious money.

When it comes to web development, you have two options: you can either work for yourself or a company.

Both have their pros and cons, but if you work for yourself, you have the potential to make up to $200,000 faster.

Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with working for someone else. But unless you’re super talented, it might take you a few years to reach that $200,000 mark. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

Like with most jobs or anything in life really, you’ll need to gain some experience first. But once you get the hang of it, the sky’s the limit for your earnings.

Getting into the world of web development is super easy – just enroll in a boot camp!

There are awesome websites like Codecademy and freeCodeCamp that provide really good training. They cover everything you need to kickstart your web development career.

5. Social Media Marketer

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

Hey, imagine if I told you that helping small businesses with their social media could make them a ton of money. What would you say?

You might be like, “Really? How is that even possible?”

Well, let me break it down for you. Many small business owners don’t know how to use social media to make money. For them, just setting up their accounts is already overwhelming. And even if they manage to start, it often doesn’t turn out well.

To get what I’m saying, pick ten local businesses and check out their social media accounts.

Did you finish checking those profiles? How did they look?

These business owners are often older than social media itself. They’re experts in running their businesses, not in navigating social media.

That’s where you, the pro, come in.

You’re not just helping them set up profiles; you’re bringing in a bunch of customers for them. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

And guess what? They’re happy to pay you for that! Like $500, $1000, or maybe even more every month for your help.

Also read: Best 21 Jobs That Pay $40 an Hour Without a Degree

And that’s just from one client! Imagine how much you could make if you had a few clients.

6. Software Developer

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

Well, you might want to consider getting into software development.

Here’s the good news: You don’t need to work crazy long hours, like more than 60 hours a week, as some people might think.

The folks who do that and then complain are often not from traditional backgrounds or work for startups. Working for a startup isn’t bad at all; it’s a great way to gain experience.

However, you should have a broader plan for the future than those developers always hunting for the next big thing. [jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree]

Want to be a well-paid software engineer? The key is showing that you can bring value to clients or companies quickly. Once they see that, they’ll be happy to invest in you or hire you.

Guess what? You can learn how to program in about nine months. Maybe even less if you manage your time well and don’t have a full-time job.

All you need is your favorite non-alcoholic drink, your laptop, and internet access. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

7. VMWare Engineer

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

If you’re not sure what this job is all about, no worries. It’s just another tech job.

In simple terms, it involves putting virtual machine software (like VMWare) on servers to install operating systems such as Windows and Linux. This allows these operating systems to work in a virtual environment.

Doing this has some cool benefits, like making things faster and reducing downtime.

And don’t let the word “Engineer” fool you. You can get into this job without needing a college degree. It’s more about hands-on skills than formal education. Easy, right?

As a VMware Engineer, you’re in charge of the whole system. Most of your daily tasks involve managing and overseeing things because once the system is set up, it pretty much runs itself.

Some engineers say the trickiest part of their job is dealing with upgrades. Setting them up can be a bit of a headache due to their sheer number.

It’s a super-specialized position, but you can start by investing in a certification course.

Here’s the cool part: with the right company, after a few years, you could be making six figures and enjoying awesome benefits.

So, if you like working with computers, solving problems, and reaching conclusions, this could be something worth considering.

8. Sales Representative

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

About 98.1% of readers might skip this task. Okay, I made up that number, but seriously, this job is often considered the least appealing. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

Sales get a bad rap. People don’t like selling stuff or being sold to. It feels weird, sneaky, and a bit rude.

But here’s why it’s on this list: because without sales, nothing happens. You can’t make money or achieve anything.

And here’s the funny part – whether you like it or not, you’re a salesperson in some way. Maybe you convinced friends to try a new restaurant or watch a Netflix series. We all do a bit of selling without realizing it

Selling is just about making people feel good about their choices by showing them the benefits of a product or service.

You don’t have to act like a pushy car salesperson. It’s so simple that anyone can make a six-figure income in a year with just a phone, a list of contacts, and something good to offer.

9. Stock Trader

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

Do you dream of being a lifestyle trader making six figures?

Investing in stocks is one way to make that happen.

But hold on, we’re not talking about the high-stress Wall Street lifestyle here. If you’re not into a fast-paced, high-pressure job, that’s fine.

Trading stocks can lead to financial independence, and you don’t need a fancy college degree for it. Every day, thousands of people are doing it. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

And don’t worry if you’re concerned about losing money. Learning to trade stocks doesn’t cost anything. You can practice trading real stocks with virtual money on websites like Wall Street Survivor.

Once you have the information, you can confidently start investing your hard-earned money.

To begin trading stocks, it’s important to invest in a reputable education. Also, you’ll need to read more and become an expert in the industry to boost your knowledge.

If you put in the effort and are committed to succeeding, you have nothing to lose.

Remember, the stock market doesn’t need to be complicated. It’s a fantastic opportunity if you want to trade your way to a better life and more money.

10. Consulting

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

It’s true. If you ask people on the street, most won’t know much about it.

Consulting covers a bunch of different things.

But at the heart of it, it’s all about solving problems.

Companies or clients hire you to figure out how to boost sales, increase productivity, or both.

If you’ve got experience in a certain industry, like working with people, and enjoy solving problems, you can make a good living as a consultant.

But even if you don’t have experience, that’s okay. You can invest in yourself by taking a thorough course.

The right education will teach you how to solve problems, attract customers, and help you pick an industry to focus on.

11. Self-employed Contractor

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

Have you ever watched a movie with a tough hired transporter as the main character?

Well, this career is quite different. I’m talking about independent contractors in skilled trades. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

Think of carpenters, electricians, plumbers, landscapers, cleaners, and more.

It’s easy to overlook someone who works with their hands.

Take Dave, for example. He mows lawns for a living, and not many people want to chat with him.

His job might not seem interesting or glamorous. He sweats in the sun all day, looks a bit dirty, and doesn’t wear a fancy suit. Not very appealing, right?

Now, imagine a scenario where Dave shows up at your house one day in a bright orange Lamborghini to get paid for his services.

Or you might jokingly say, “OMG, I think Dave is a drug dealer.” (HAHA)

See, some folks have turned their “ordinary” skills into a wealthy six-figure income.

They did it by doing tasks that others either didn’t want to do or were too busy for.

Becoming an independent contractor isn’t that tough.

You’ll need to get some tools, gain experience, get a license, and learn a skill. [jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree]

12. Real Estate Agent

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

The most important thing to remember if you want to become a wealthy real estate agent is location.

Think about it – how many people are excited to buy real estate in rural Alabama?

Probably not a whole lot.

So, if you’re in a market like that, you might need to move, maybe to New York or California.

You’ll also need to tune out the noise from less effective agents. Trust me, there are quite a few of them. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

Many agents end up spending a lot of time on various tasks just to stay busy.

But here’s the catch: they’re not focusing on activities that make money. That’s why they struggle to earn the kind of income that could change their lives

Just invest the time to build a good relationship with your clients and gain experience.

That will lead to your success.

Real estate agents can make a ton of money and live glamorous lives.

But here’s the catch: it’s one of those jobs where you have to spend money to make money

13. Personal Trainer

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

My brother’s trainer makes almost $200,000 a year, even though he only sees him once or twice a month.


But wait, there’s more…

Her trainer has just thirty clients.

Crazy, right?

Most personal trainers might find this unbelievable.

They might say you have to train celebrities or really rich people to earn $200,000 or more.

That might be true, but many regular folks spend a lot of money each year trying to achieve their dream physique.

For example, my family isn’t wealthy or famous like the Rockefellers.

The problem is, that most personal trainers don’t understand the principles of smart business and value proposition. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

These trainers are then stuck working for low pay at extremely cheap rates.

So, you can easily take advantage of their lack of expertise.

All you have to do is put in the effort to learn how to offer a personalized service.

By creating an environment where your clients’ goals come first and you achieve the results they want quickly, you’ll stand out among the top 1% of personal trainers.

If you’re into fitness, you have a great chance to succeed.

Also read: Best 13 Jobs that Pay $400k a Year without a Degree

14. Barber

jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

This is a mind-boggling number.

$40,000,000 (four billion dollars).

That’s the estimated value of the hair salon industry.

It might sound like a lot, but there are over a million hair stylists in the United States.

However, that’s not much considering the hundreds of millions of people living in the United States.

Many people enjoy indulging in expensive personal grooming.

Some would even pay extra for an exceptional experience.

You see, most professionals see it as just a haircut. The ones who are satisfied are those who can afford the latest iPhone.

But those who have customers willing to travel great distances for them offer much more than that. It is your goal to become like them.

If you want to enter this industry for yourself, you’ll need a few things.

To start, you should develop your skills in a salon or barbershop.

After gaining experience, look for opportunities to work in a shop.

Focus on growing your clientele by providing excellent service.

The key to success in hairstyling is putting in the effort. With dedication, you could earn much more than $200,000. It’s possible if you learn how to become indispensable to your clients. [jobs that pay $200k a year without a degree]

Take this woman, for example. She covered her daughter’s medical education expenses and even got a brand-new Mercedes for free!

Who would have thought that haircutting could be so lucrative?

15. Bus Driver

Average Pay: $200K a year

Bus drivers are the unsung heroes of transportation, ensuring that people reach their destinations safely and efficiently. Bus drivers play a vital role in the daily lives of communities, providing essential transportation services for students, commuters, and travelers. Beyond steering the wheel, they are responsible for passenger safety, maintaining schedules, and ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride for all.

16. Oil Rig Worker

jobs that pay 200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

Firstly, a specialist worker in the oil industry has the potential to earn a good living.

However, this often means working abroad or in unstable countries.

This leads us to the second point.

It’s a highly risky job. It’s not for the faint-hearted.

If you’re not willing to take on that level of danger for a big payoff, it’s better to choose a different high-paying position.

The third reason is the lack of job security. Your employment is affected by the state of the economy.

Depending on your standing in the company, you could be laid off at any time.

Despite being a risky job, oil remains the world’s main energy source. Working in the oil and gas sector can open doors to significant earning opportunities.

17. Personal chef

jobs that pay 200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

A personal chef can cook for different people throughout the week or exclusively for one person, preparing all their meals. They create meal plans based on their clients’ dietary needs, preferences, and schedules. Private chefs often negotiate with clients on payment and timing. [Jobs That Pay $200k a Year Without a Degree]

18. Videographer

jobs that pay 200k a year without a degree

Average Pay: $200K a year

A videographer records events and edits the footage for clients. Many videographers are self-employed, setting their rates for additional services like color correction, special effects, background music, and other production-related aspects. They may also offer albums, presentations, and photos for an extra fee.

19. Voice-over artist

Average Pay: $200K a year

A voice-over performer uses their voice for animated or audio content, such as radio, TV, and movies. They can work as independent contractors or be part of a production company. Voice actors create lifelike sounds to complement video scenes by using voice acting techniques.

20. Professional athlete

Average Pay: $200K a year

A professional athlete is someone really good at a specific sport. They put all their effort into training and competing at the highest levels in that sport. Also, pro athletes often team up with companies to promote products and earn more money.


In conclusion, there are numerous high-paying opportunities that don’t require a college degree. Each of these careers offers a unique path to success, emphasizing skills, dedication, and, in some cases, entrepreneurship. It’s important to explore the options that align with your interests, skills, and long-term goals to find the most suitable path for your career journey.

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