How To Become a CPA Without having an Accounting Degree(7 Steps)

How To Become a CPA Without having an Accounting Degree

Hey, are you looking for How To Become a CPA Without having an Accounting Degree? so you are in the right place.

Now, you might be wondering, “Do I need a degree at all?” Undoubtedly, a degree is necessary, but it doesn’t have to be in accounting. It can be in a different field. The key is to have a bachelor’s degree. So, if you’re rocking a degree in, say, business or even something else, you’re good to go.

Alright, next up is the CPA exam. Brace yourself, it’s a bit of a challenge, but you got this! This exam is the ticket to becoming a CPA. It covers accounting and business-related stuff, so it helps if you’re familiar with those topics.

Now, to get ready for the exam, you might want to take some extra classes or get some on-the-job experience in accounting.

Is an accounting degree necessary to become a CPA?

How To Become a CPA Without having an Accounting Degree

Can I be a CPA without studying accounting?” The short answer is that it depends on where you intend to live and work. Turns out, each state in the USA has its own rules for becoming a CPA.

Here’s the main deal: you do need a degree to become a CPA, but the details can vary from state to state. Across the board, every state agrees that you gotta have at least a bachelor’s degree. No surprise there, right? But here’s the twist – some states insist that your degree should be in accounting, while others are a bit more chill about it.

So, to sum it up, yes, you need a degree to be a CPA, but the exact rules can change depending on the state.

There are five states where you can become a CPA without having an accounting degree.

  • Alaska
  •  Georgia
  •  Hawaii
  •  Maine
  •  Massachusetts

If you want to be a CPA in a specific state, you gotta get certified there. So, let’s say you want to be a CPA in Alaska – you need to get certified in Alaska.

Now, there’s a chance you can work in a different state and move your license there, but there’s a catch. You gotta follow the mobility rules, which are like the guidelines for making that move.

Also read: How to Become a Business Analyst Without a Degree (7 Steps)

How to become a CPA without having an accounting degree

Getting into public accounting without an accounting degree might be easier than you imagine. Just follow these seven steps to become a CPA without that accounting background.

  1. Check your state’s requirements
  2. Make sure you finish the required courses.
  3. Get the necessary job experience
  4. Go ahead and sit for the CPA exam in your state
  5. Meet any additional CPA requirements
  6. Meet any additional CPA requirements
  7. Renew your CPA license as required

1. Check your state’s requirements

Before you dive into becoming a CPA in your state, it’s smart to check the requirements first. Sure, you can Google “CPA requirements + [your state],” but those results might not be spot-on or current. Opt for an official source, like this one, to make sure you’re getting the right info

National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA): In this place, all the state boards of accountancy come together. Now, these state boards are like the guardians of the accounting world. They make sure everything is in order – from keeping an eye on the industry to handing out licenses to future CPAs, and even running the big exams.

Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA): The biggest group of accounting pros worldwide is like a treasure trove of info. They spill the beans on certification, different career paths you can take, cool marketing tricks, and lots more.

The biggest group of accounting pros worldwide is like a treasure trove of info. They spill the beans on certification, different career paths you can take, cool marketing tricks, and lots more. It’s your go-to source for all things accounting. [How To Become a CPA Without Having an Accounting Degree]

2. Make sure you finish the required courses.

After checking what your state needs, make sure you’ve got enough credit hours to become a CPA without an accounting degree. Most states ask for 150 college credits, which is more than a regular bachelor’s degree. Keep an eye out for any special instructions – some states might want specific topics or certain levels of courses.

Alaska: If you’re a CPA and you’ve been working for at least a year, you might not need the usual 15 credit hours of accounting coursework. So, they cut you some slack if you’ve got that solid year of work experience under your belt.

Georgia: If you want to be a CPA, some places say you gotta take at least 20 credit hours in accounting. And to make things a bit fancier, they want 18 of those hours to be in advanced accounting courses.

Hawaii: If you want to be a CPA, they say you gotta complete 18 credit hours of college-level study.

Maine: If you want to be a CPA, they say you gotta complete 18 credit hours of college-level study.

Massachusetts: Needs you to take 21 credit hours of accounting classes, and they have clear rules about which ones count.

.Take a moment to figure out a plan if you haven’t met the education requirements your state wants for becoming a CPA. You could sign up for college-level courses by yourself or add specific classes to your regular college program, depending on how many credit hours you still need. [How To Become a CPA Without Having an Accounting Degree]

Take a moment to figure out a plan if you haven’t met the education requirements your state wants for becoming a CPA. You could sign up for college-level courses by yourself or add specific classes to your regular college program, depending on how many credit hours you still need.

Also read: How to become an Investment Banker Without a Degree(8 Tips)

3. Get the necessary job experience

Once you’re done with your education, make sure to get some work experience before going for that CPA license. Most states look for at least a year or two of experience in the accounting field. Now, getting experience in public accounting without an accounting degree might be a bit tricky. But here’s the good news – many state boards of accountancy are cool with considering solid professional experience from places like government or businesses.

4. Go ahead and sit for the CPA exam in your state

Once you’ve checked off all the requirements, it’s time to sign up for the Uniform CPA Examination. This test has four parts, it’s the same test in every state. So, no need to stress about different exams everywhere.

Once you’ve checked off all the requirements, it’s time to sign up for the Uniform CPA Examination. This test has four parts, it’s the same test in every state.

  • Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
  •  Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)
  •  Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
  •  Regulation (REG)

When you take the CPA exam, you gotta aim for at least 75 in each of the four sections to pass. Now, here’s the real deal – it’s okay if you don’t nail it on your first try. The exam is designed to be tough, so don’t stress if you stumble a bit. [How To Become a CPA Without Having an Accounting Degree]

The good news? You can give it another shot! You’re allowed to retake any section until you get that passing score. But here’s the catch – you gotta pass all four parts within 18 months.

5. Meet any additional CPA requirements

Before you grab that CPA license, check if there are any specific things you need to do first. Some states, like California, Illinois, and Wisconsin, ask CPAs to pass something called the AICPA ethics exam.

6. Check mobility guidelines for your CPA license

If your accounting business helps folks in different states, you might need licenses from those places. Check if you’ve got the right licenses for specific accounting services in each state. The NASBA mobility guide is like your go-to helper for finding out if you’re good to go or if there are any extra things you need to do.

7. Renew your CPA license as required

In most states, CPA licenses last for about three years. Now, to keep it going, many places want you to keep learning and growing. That means taking some extra courses or workshops now and then.

Plan for renewing your license. Make sure you’re on top of things, so you’re always working with an updated certificate.


In conclusion, getting your CPA without an accounting degree is totally doable, and I’ve walked you through the important steps in this article which will help you a lot.

Becoming a CPA without an accounting degree is a practical goal. With thoughtful planning and following the specific rules of your state, you can smoothly navigate the path to becoming a Certified Public Accountant

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