How to Become an Actuary without a Degree (7 Steps)

How to Become an Actuary without a Degree

How to Become an Actuary without a Degree: An actuary is a person who helps a business plan for its money goals. They use math to figure out how much to charge for insurance. If you’re thinking about being an actuary and don’t want to go to college, this article will tell you what they do, the skills they need, and how you can become one without a degree.

Actuaries play a big role in helping a business manage its money for the short and long term. They gather information and use math to figure out how much to charge for insurance. If you’re curious about becoming an actuary and don’t want to go to college, this article will tell you about their job, the skills they use, and how you can become one without a degree.

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Is a degree necessary to become an actuary?

You can become an actuary without a degree, but having at least a bachelor’s degree in actuarial science, statistics, business, or mathematics may improve your chances of getting hired.

Steps: How to become an actuary without a degree

These four main steps will help you to become an actuary without a degree:

  1. Obtain a diploma or GED equivalent
  2. Pass exams and get certified
  3. Gain experience
  4. Update your cv

1. Obtain a diploma or GED equivalent

To become an actuary, all you need is a high school diploma or GED. Taking classes in high school or GED programs is helpful because they teach important skills like statistics and math.

2. Pass exams and get certified

To work as an actuary, you must get certified by the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) or the Society of Actuaries (SOA). First, you need an associate’s credential, which you can achieve by passing tests in applied statistics, corporate finance, and economics known as Validation of Educational Experience (VEE). In total, passing seven tests is necessary to become a certified actuary. After finishing the exams, a committee reviews your results.

Getting ready for each certification exam is important if you don’t go to college. To prepare, take practice exams, and study using online resources. There are plenty of study materials available on the internet to help you get ready for the exams. [How to Become an Actuary without a Degree]

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3. Gain some hands on experience

After getting certified, it’s important to gain experience, and one way to do that is through an apprenticeship. As an apprentice, you might observe other actuaries, learn from them, and help with tasks like collecting data and finding solutions. You can check online to see if any insurance companies or independent consultants are hiring entry-level actuaries for apprenticeships.

Joining actuarial society consulting is a great chance to gain experience in the field. Many actuarial societies offer free or discounted consulting services to individuals. As an actuary, you can volunteer to work with different clients in various actuarial areas, broadening your expertise.

4. Update your cv

Having an up-to-date résumé is important when you’re applying for jobs. As an actuary without a college degree, focus on your certifications and relevant experience. Explain how your qualifications make you a great fit for the position.

What is an actuary?

An actuary is a business expert who looks at the financial impacts of risk using financial theories, math, statistics, and analytical thinking. They can work for any organization that needs to manage its financial risk.

  • Hospitals
  • Banks
  • Government
  • Insurance companies

What is the job of Actuary?

Actuaries create tables that show the likelihood of risks and the financial responsibilities associated with benefits by analyzing statistical data, such as rates of employee accidents, sickness, and disability. Their daily tasks may include: [How to Become an Actuary without a Degree]

Gain some hands on experience

After getting certified, it’s important to gain experience, and one way to do that is through an apprenticeship. As an apprentice, you might observe other actuaries, learn from them, and help with tasks like collecting data and finding solutions. You can check online to see if any insurance companies or independent consultants are hiring entry-level actuaries for apprenticeships.

Joining actuarial society consulting is a great chance to gain experience in the field. Many actuarial societies offer free or discounted consulting services to individuals. As an actuary, you can volunteer to work with different clients in various actuarial areas, broadening your expertise.

4. Update your cv

Having an up-to-date résumé is important when you’re applying for jobs. As an actuary without a college degree, focus on your certifications and relevant experience. Explain how your qualifications make you a great fit for the position.

  1. Gathering information on risk factors
  2. Estimating the likelihood of financial loss from illness or natural disasters
  3. Designing insurance policies to minimize financial risk
  4. Generating reports and charts to illustrate calculations
  5. Developing pension plans for clients
  6. Assessing financial stability
  7. Determining the costs of insurance

What are The Types of Actuaries?

Here are different types of actuaries:

  1. Health Actuaries
  2. Life Actuaries
  3. Property and Casualty Actuaries
  4. Enterprise Risk Actuaries
  5. Pension Actuaries

1. Health Actuaries

These actuaries plan health insurance by predicting how much it will cost for medical services in the future. When creating insurance, they think about where the person lives, where they work, and their medical past. [How to Become an Actuary without a Degree]

2. Life Actuaries

These actuaries make special life insurance plans by considering things like age, gender, family background, and how long someone is expected to live.

3. Property and Casualty Actuaries

These actuaries create insurance plans that protect individuals from financial troubles caused by accidents and property damage from natural disasters. They figure out the risk by looking at factors like a person’s age, driving history, and the type of vehicle they have.

4. Enterprise Risk Actuaries

These actuaries identify financial risks that could threaten a business’s financial goals. They often come up with plans to deal with any risks that might come up.

5. Pension Actuaries

These actuaries create retirement plans for businesses and check if the funds put into

these plans will be enough for future benefits. They often work with large companies to establish pension programs for employees, ensuring a secure retirement.

What do you need to become an actuary?

To become an actuary and practice legally, you need to pass a series of certification exams. There are two types of certifications available for actuaries:

Associate actuary: Associate actuaries have a good understanding of the basic principles of actuarial science.

Fellowship actuary: The highest recognition for actuaries is fellowship, and being a fellow is often seen as being an expert in their field. [How to Become an Actuary without a Degree]

Qualities required for actuarial work

  1. Analytical skills
  2. Problem-solving
  3. Detail-oriented
  4. Mathematics

1. Analytical skills

Actuaries use their strong analytical skills to predict future events by studying patterns and trends.

2. Problem-solving

Actuaries often find solutions to problems involving potential risks to provide services for their company. They also explore ways to minimize risks and prevent potential financial losses.

3. Detail-oriented

Being detail-oriented is essential for actuaries, especially when dealing with various factors and risks. Actuaries must pay close attention to ensure that the reports and financial estimates they create are accurate.

4. Mathematics

Actuaries must be excellent at math because they work with complex mathematical formulas regularly. They also need to be skilled in statistics and calculus since they calculate potential financial risks.

Some best tips for becoming Actuary without a degree

Here are some tips for becoming actuary

  • Prepared for certification exams
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Build relationships with fellow actuaries

1. Prepared for certification exams

To succeed in certification exams, dedicate ample time to studying. Consider getting a tutor to optimize your study sessions for better preparation.

2. Be kind to yourself

It’s common for individuals to take certification exams more than once. If you don’t do well, you can retake the exam. Remember the challenging concepts, review them, and give it another try.

3. Build relationships with fellow actuaries

Connect with other actuaries to enhance your actuarial skills and discover opportunities. Consider forming study groups with fellow actuaries who are also preparing for certification exams. Joining professional actuarial groups is another way to network with colleagues in the field. [How to Become an Actuary without a Degree]


you can become an actuary without going to college, but there are some important steps to follow which i have discussed in this blog. Actuaries play a crucial role in helping companies manage financial risks using math. While having a college degree can be helpful, it’s not a must.

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