Ultimate Guide: How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree

How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree

How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree: Hey there, you don’t necessarily need a degree to become a blockchain developer. Only about 14.54% of blockchain jobs asked for a degree. You can learn all the important skills online without going to university.

Guess what? Jobs in cryptocurrency and blockchain are booming! In 2021 alone, they shot up by a whopping 118%. And get this – a third of these jobs are for software developers, showing there’s a big demand for blockchain experts.

So, in simple terms, you can learn online to become a blockchain developer and jump into this exciting field.

According to Indeed Hiring Lab, jobs related to cryptocurrency and blockchain are growing fast, showing a whopping 118% increase from the previous year in 2023. What’s interesting is that about one-third of these jobs are for software developers, especially those skilled in blockchain.

And guess what? The pay for these jobs reflects the high demand. Even though the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn’t have specific data on blockchain developer salaries, trustworthy sources say that blockchain developers generally earn more than regular software developers. It’s like the hot new thing in the job market.

In the U.S., experienced blockchain developers earn around $113,101 each year, while newer ones make an average of $102,279, as reported by Glassdoor. Talent.com notes that entry-level blockchain developers start with an annual salary of $121,875, and senior-level positions kick off with a whopping $185,250. [How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree]

If these numbers hold, it suggests that blockchain developers are among the highest-paid developers globally. So, diving into blockchain development might not just be cutting-edge.

Here’s a brief table summarizing the key points:

Becoming a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree– You don’t necessarily need a degree to be a blockchain developer. – Only about 14.54% of blockchain jobs require a degree. – Online learning can equip you with the necessary skills. – Jobs in blockchain saw a 118% increase in 2021. – A third of these jobs are for software developers.
Job Market and Salaries– Booming demand for blockchain experts. – 118% increase in jobs related to cryptocurrency and blockchain in 2021. – Approximately one-third of these jobs are for software developers. – High pay for blockchain developers, with figures ranging from $102,279 to $185,250. – Lack of specific U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data on blockchain developer salaries.
Do You Need a Degree?– Only a small percentage of job postings for blockchain developers require a degree. – Employers prioritize experience and skills over formal education. – The value of a degree may vary by country, with the U.S. placing some importance on it. – Globally, 85.46% of blockchain development jobs don’t require a degree. – In the U.S., 76.83% of blockchain developer jobs don’t require a degree. – In the European Union, 86.07% of jobs don’t need a degree. – In India, 39.9% of jobs don’t require a degree. – In the UK, 85.96% of jobs don’t require a degree.
Key Skills for Blockchain Developers– Creating smart contracts is crucial, especially for Ethereum, Polkadot, or Solana projects. – Proficiency in at least one high-level coding language, such as JavaScript. – Understanding of distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain basics. – Hands-on experience with various blockchain platforms, with Ethereum being the most commonly used. – Knowledge of cryptography, security patterns, data structures, and P2P networking.
Steps to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree1. Learn the basics of blockchain technology. 2. Choose a blockchain platform to focus on. 3. Join an online blockchain development course. 4. Practice building real blockchain applications. 5. Consider freelancing and internships for practical experience. 6. Apply for entry-level blockchain developer jobs. 7. Join a blockchain developer community for networking and skill enhancement. 8. Prioritize gaining work experience over a degree.
This table provides a concise overview of the key information on becoming a blockchain developer without a degree.

Also read: How to Become a Counselor Without a College Degree? (6 Secret Steps)

But what if you don’t have a degree?

In this discussion, let’s cover:

  1. Do you need a degree to be a blockchain developer?
  2.  Key skills you need as a blockchain developer?
  3.  Guide to becoming a blockchain developer without a Degree

Do you need a degree to be a blockchain developer?

How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree

Believe it or not, you can be a Blockchain developer without a degree. Only a small number of job postings for blockchain developers insist on having a degree. All the skills required for blockchain development can be picked up without going through formal education.

Surprisingly, having a degree doesn’t matter much when it comes to landing a job as a blockchain developer. Employers care more about your experience and skills, and many job listings for blockchain developers don’t even mention the need for a degree.

However, the value of having a degree varies from country to country. In the US, having a degree might give you a bit more advantage compared to other parts of the world. It’s like having the extra spice in your recipe, making you stand out a bit more in the job market. [How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree]

Take a look at this chart to see the specific differences between countries.

The job outlook for blockchain developers without a degree. Data: LinkedIn Job Search (2022).

  • Out of 1,768 jobs for blockchain developers worldwide, a whopping 1,511 don’t ask for a degree. That means 85.46% of blockchain development jobs globally don’t require a degree.
  •  In the US, among the 587 blockchain developer jobs, 451 don’t need a degree. So, for 76.83% of blockchain developer jobs in the United States, having a degree is not a must.
  •  In the European Union, out of the 330 blockchain developer jobs, 310 don’t require a degree. That’s 86.07% of blockchain developer positions in the European Union that you can snag without needing a degree.
  •  In India, among the 244 blockchain developer jobs, you’ll find 210 that you can grab without needing a degree. So, for 39.9% of blockchain developer positions in India, having a degree is not necessary.
  •  Now, in the UK, out of the 57 blockchain developer jobs, 49 don’t need a degree. That means for 85.96% of blockchain developer jobs in the United Kingdom, having a degree is not a must. It’s like saying, “You’ve got a good shot at this job even without that diploma!”

Here are the things you should be good at to become a successful blockchain developer. [How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree]

Key skills you need as a blockchain developer?

How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree

Building the right skills is the secret to kickstarting a career without a degree in any field. Your skills are what make you stand out, especially if you don’t have a degree. And when it comes to blockchain development, there are plenty of important skills you need to learn. It’s like collecting the right tools for a successful journey into the world of blockchain.

Here are the key skills you need as a blockchain developer:

Knowing how to create smart contracts: If you’re working on projects with Polkadot, Solana, or Ethereum, you’ll likely find yourself writing smart contracts a lot. Getting the hang of smart contracts early in your career will be a wise move, and you’ll appreciate it down the road.

Being good at using at least one high-level coding language: To be a good blockchain developer, you should learn at least one coding language used for creating blockchain structures and smart contracts. For starters, JavaScript is often a great choice, especially with the many options available for the Ethereum blockchain.

Knowing how distributed ledger technology (DLT) works: 

One type of distributed ledger technology is a blockchain. As a blockchain developer, you need to grasp the basics of how blockchains work. This understanding will help you develop smart contracts more efficiently and grasp their limitations.

Hands-on experience with various blockchain platforms: You have plenty of options here. While other blockchains are gaining popularity, Ethereum is still the most commonly used. Dive into learning about them, and be open to exploring new ones in the future. [How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree]

Knowing about cryptography and security patterns: You’ve got many choices, Even though other blockchains are getting popular, Ethereum is still the go-to. Learn all you can about them, and be ready to explore new ones in the future

Familiarity with data structures: To make a decentralized application safe and transparent, you need to use data structures correctly. Skilled blockchain programmers know all about data structures and how to use them the right way.

Solid knowledge of P2P networking: Blockchain technology relies more on peer-to-peer (P2P) networking and less on a central authority. For blockchain developers, it’s important not only to understand how to use this technology but also to grasp the basics of P2P networking while designing blockchain protocols.

Becoming a blockchain developer might not be as tough as it sounds. In a study with over 100,000 developers, many younger ones prefer learning to code online. You don’t necessarily need a degree in cybersecurity or computer science to become a competitive blockchain developer. The younger generation is already taking this approach.

Now, let’s talk about the specific steps you need to take to start working as a blockchain developer without a degree.

Steps: How to become a blockchain developer without a degree

To become a blockchain developer without a degree, follow these 7 steps:

  1. Learn the basics of blockchain technology.
  2.  Choose a platform for blockchain development.
  3. Join an online blockchain development course.
  4.  Practice building real blockchain applications.
  5.  Reach out to fellow blockchain developers.
  6.  Apply for entry-level blockchain developer jobs.
  7.  Prioritize gaining work experience over a degree.

1. Learn the basics of blockchain technology.

Starting your journey as a blockchain developer without a degree begins with understanding the basics of blockchain technology. You don’t need to dive into technical details like network design or hash functions right away.

Before delving into those topics, take the time to understand:

  1. What is blockchain?
  2.  What are Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs)?
  3.  How are smart contracts implemented?

Learning the technical aspects becomes much easier when you can confidently answer these questions. Acquiring this knowledge early on gives you a better understanding to choose your path in blockchain development, whether it’s as a private or core blockchain developer.

I also recommend exploring blockchain forums like BitCoinTalk and the Ethereum subreddit at this stage. In these communities, you’ll discover a wealth of tools and people to follow who can help kickstart your journey into blockchain development.

2. Choose a platform for blockchain development

Choosing your favorite blockchain network is crucial, and you probably know there isn’t just one that dominates the world. With so many options, it’s a good idea to pick your preferred blockchain network early on. Acting sooner helps prevent investing years in mastering one only to realize later it might not have been the best fit to begin with. [How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree]

According to a 2022 study from Electric Capital, developers highly favor the following five blockchain networks:

  1. Ethereum
  2.  Cosmos
  3.  Solana
  4.  Bitcoin (on Polkadot)

With over 4,000 full-time developers dedicating their efforts to Ethereum every month, they assert that Ethereum is the most active blockchain in terms of developer activity. CoinDesk agrees with these findings and suggests keeping an eye on other intriguing networks like Cardano and Tezos.

Choosing the right blockchain network is crucial because it influences the type of decentralized applications you can create, the programming language you need to learn, and the tools required for success. Take your time to make your decision carefully. However, keep in mind that the blockchain industry is evolving, and it’s essential to be adaptable. While Bitcoin and Ethereum are current leaders, the landscape may change in the future. Stay open to exploring new platforms as your career progresses.

3. Join an online blockchain development course

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the vast technical skills needed for blockchain development, don’t worry! There are plenty of resources available to help you learn everything you need to kickstart your journey.

In particular, an online blockchain course can provide a comprehensive overview of all the essential topics. Whether you want to focus on specific programming languages or explore the intricacies of Ethereum, an online course is a great starting point for becoming a blockchain developer without a degree. [How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree]

The world of online learning offers a wide range of topics, especially with the current growth in the online course industry. These courses can guide you through various subjects, from understanding consensus methods, transaction fees, and smart contracts to the technical intricacies of a blockchain network.

If you don’t have a degree, these blockchain development courses can be your quick ticket to advancing your career.

4. Practice building real blockchain applications

Before diving into full-time blockchain development, it’s essential to accumulate some hands-on experience.

Start by creating a public portfolio showcasing your blockchain projects. Highlight your technical skills, the programming languages you’re familiar with, and the applications you’ve designed. These projects don’t have to be overly complex; the key is to demonstrate your grasp of basic blockchain concepts like cryptography, hash functions, smart contracts, and consensus mechanisms. Your portfolio acts as a living showcase of your journey into the world of blockchain.

As you advance in your study of blockchain programming, keep expanding your skill set, and don’t forget to incorporate new, more challenging projects into your portfolio. This portfolio will be your most valuable asset when you start applying for jobs. If you need inspiration for your projects, check out Alex Roan’s list of Ethereum blockchain ideas. Alex, an engineer at Chainlink Labs, provides great suggestions to spark your creativity. [How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree]

5. Freelancing and Internships

Internships and freelancing can be quite helpful for a blockchain developer without a degree in finding a good job. How to do it is as follows:

Freelancing: Working on freelance projects allows you to gain practical experience by exposing you to real-world problems. Companies greatly appreciate this hands-on experience.

Internships: Working as an intern at a company allows you to put your skills to use in a structured environment. It gives you an overview of professional procedures, coding standards, and teamwork strategies.

However, internships and freelancing offer a non-traditional yet efficient means for a non-degree-holding blockchain developer to obtain real-world experience, produce a solid portfolio, and network within the field—all of which will eventually increase their chances of landing a job.

6. Apply for entry-level blockchain developer jobs

How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree
Job Outlook for blockchain developer in 2023 demand is growing each year

Even though many employers prefer blockchain developers with a few years of experience, it doesn’t mean you can’t enter the field as a beginner.

As the industry grows, there’s a rising demand for entry-level blockchain software developers. If you’re starting, focus on building your portfolio and enhancing your skills. This way, you can gradually work your way into the field, even without extensive prior experience. [How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree]

When searching for a job as a blockchain developer, consider :

  • Job search websites like LinkedIn or Indeed. You can filter out positions requiring a degree using Boolean search skills. For example, on LinkedIn, you can search for blockchain developer jobs without a degree in your area by adjusting the location. This helps you find jobs that match your qualifications.
  •  Remote developer networks like Toptal and Turing. While some of these platforms may require a few years of experience, they offer excellent opportunities for freelancers. Platforms like Fiverr have fewer restrictions, but the quality and consistency of jobs can vary widely. Choose platforms that align with your experience level and preferences.

When applying for blockchain development jobs, it’s recommended to target positions that match your skills. Feel free to reach out directly to companies expressing your interest. Create tailored applications that showcase your experience and unique skills for the specific job you’re interested in.

7. Join a Blockchain Developer Community

Here are some benefits of joining a blockchain developer community:

Skill Enhancement

Connecting with a blockchain development community presents numerous opportunities to enhance one’s skills. Developers can work on real-world projects, collaborate with peers, and stay up to date on blockchain technology advancements.

Job Opportunities

The networking opportunities provided by these communities often lead to job opportunities. Because companies frequently look for talent in these communities, they are excellent sites for professional advancement.

Project Collaboration

Developers may showcase their skills, build a strong portfolio, and make a big effect on the blockchain space by cooperating on open source projects in these groups.

8. Prioritize gaining work experience over a degree

After landing your first non-degree blockchain developer job, the path gets easier to handle and more fulfilling. Focus on gaining extensive work experience in the field of blockchain development. Put in the effort, deliver excellent work, and strive to maintain a steady job as a blockchain engineer.

As you accumulate real-world work experience, your value to potential employers grows. The more continuous “years of experience” you build, the less significance your lack of a degree holds. It’s that simple.

As the blockchain space is still evolving, no one has a significant advantage in terms of experience. This presents a fantastic opportunity to enter the field and kickstart your career. In just a few years, you could qualify for senior-level positions, which are often lucrative.

I hope this guide on how to work as a blockchain developer without a degree has been helpful to you. Wishing you success in your professional journey.

How much time does it take to secure a job as a blockchain developer?

How to Become a Blockchain Developer Without a Degree

A bachelor’s degree typically takes four years to complete. However, if you opt for alternative paths like coding boot camps or online courses, the timeframe is shorter, ranging from four to nine months.

Coding boot camps usually run for four months, similar to many online courses. These programs are often self-paced, allowing flexibility in completion based on your schedule. Compared to traditional college degrees, these alternatives offer a shorter duration of study.

Is It Hard to Become a Blockchain Developer?

Becoming a blockchain developer is not difficult if you’re willing to put in the effort. To pursue a career in this field, you need education in the industry, relevant experience, a portfolio showcasing your work, and a network within the blockchain community.


This post guides you on becoming a blockchain developer, even if you have no prior knowledge in the field. To start in blockchain programming, you need to understand the fundamental technology, be proficient in programming, and have a good grasp of cryptography. Prior experience in creating distributed systems can also be beneficial for aspiring blockchain developers.

You need to have a solid understanding of computer science concepts, data structures, and algorithms to work as a blockchain developer without a degree. It’s also beneficial to have experience in creating distributed systems. With these skills and some hands-on experience, becoming a blockchain developer becomes more achievable.


Are there alternative paths to a traditional job in blockchain development?

In fact, there are other options, such as working as a freelancer, initiating your own projects, or even founding a blockchain firm. Practical accomplishments and an entrepreneurial spirit are highly valued in the blockchain business.

Should I focus on DApps or smart contracts?

Every one of them matters. A comprehensive skill set can be obtained by learning how to create smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). Concentrate on undertakings that complement your hobbies and professional objectives.

How can I showcase my skills to potential employers?

Create a personal blog, engage in online groups, and develop a solid portfolio on sites like GitHub. Display your enthusiasm for blockchain development, contribute your views, and highlight your projects.

What platforms and tools should I be familiar with

It’s essential to understand Ethereum for creating smart contracts, Hyperledger Fabric for permissioned blockchains, and Git/GitHub, Remix, and Truffle for version control.

Are there online courses available for blockchain development

Yes, there are a lot of websites available for learning blockchain programming, like Coursera, Udacity, and YouTube. Select classes that fit your learning objectives and tastes.

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